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Authors: REIS, S.O.
Keywords: Electronic media
Sexual behaviour
University of Ibadan
Issue Date: Apr-2010
Abstract: The electronic media is a contested site of sexuality education for young adults and the internet appears to be a hospitable terrain for providing sexual health information in innovative ways. Thus, this study was carried out to assess the effect of electronic media utilisation (Television and Internet) on sexual behaviour of Undergraduates in the University of Ibadan. It will also examine the level and type of exposure of different individuals to programs on television and the internet. The study was analytical cross-sectional study, using a multistage sampling method. Primary data was collected through the administration of structured questionnaires to 433 respondents (250 male undergraduates and 183 female undergraduates)residing in different halls within the University of Ibadan. The exposure variables age,sex, level of schooling, numbers of hours spent on watching television and on the internet, exposure to sexually oriented content. Outcome variables were age of sex initiation, use of contraceptives, condoms and multiple sexual partners.Analysis was done using statistical package for social sciences (15.0 version). Descriptive statistical tools such as frequency distribution, mean and the chi-square were carried out at the levels of univariate and bivariate analyses. The logistic regression technique was also utilised to construct multivariate models. While 58% of the respondents are males, 42% are females. This distribution is consistent with current gender pattern of student residing in the undergraduate halls of the university. The analysis reveals mean age respondents to be 20.92, while males (20.97), standard deviation (SD=2.77), females(20.85, SD=2.52). Average age of first sexual intercourse among male is 18.30 (SD=3.0) and among females is 19.35 (SD=1.6). Two major electronic media were identified, Television and Internet facilities. Out of these, male respondents are more frequently exposed the internet (61%), T.V (50%) while female counterparts are more frequently exposed to TV (30%) and Internet (52%) in that order. Bivariate analysis shows that more frequent internet browsing is significantly associated with condom use among male respondents. Among female respondents, frequent exposure to T.V and internet browsing manifest similar association in the use of contraceptives. Logistic regression models shows that more frequent expose to sexual content promotes sexual activities among male undergraduates as well. The most significant contribution of this study to knowledge is that electronic media and internet utilization exert positive and negative effects on the sexual health of young persons. Though they promote protected sex, sexual activities are also promoted by polluting the traditional sacredness of sex among young people. Therefore, it is imperative that international accord should be reached on the standard of the content of the electronic media (especially television), on the moral implications for the younger generation.
Description: A Dissertation submitted to the Department of Epidemiology, Medical Statistics and Environmental Health (EMSEH), College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, in partial fulfillment for the requirement of the award of Masters of Science in Epidemiology of the University of Ibadan
Appears in Collections:Dissertations in Epidemiology and Medical Statistics

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