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Title: Thyroid function in haemodialysed patients of Gassim, Saudi Arabia: TRH stimulation
Authors: Soyannwo, M.A.O.
Khandckar, S.
Gadallah, M.
Muraldharl, K.
Abdelrahman, A.
Khan, N.
Singh, R.
Keywords: Thyroid
TRH stimulation
Issue Date: 1997
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (1997) 26, 95-96
Abstract: To study the hypophysical-pituitary-thyroid axis in Saudi patients on (RDT), 200 units of T R H were given intravenously predialysis to each of 21 such subjects. As expected (TSH) rose promptly within 3 0 minute s followed by a gentle decline at 60 minutes. A more gentle rise was also noted in T3 which continued for the 60 minutes of observation. Rather unexpectedly, T4 level was noted to show a reciprocal decline, to our knowledge , this pattern has not been defined in literature. In 12 patients (GH) was noted to rise promptly within 30 minutes followed by a gentle decline at 60 minutes. (LH) and (FSH) did not follow any definite pattern as observed for T 3 and T 4 . Since the oral preparation of T R H is now available, c a n (TRH ) be effectively used to treat renal dwarfism?
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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