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Title: Spontaneous epigastric hernia causing gastric outlet obstruction: a case report
Authors: Arowolo, OA
Ogundiran, T O
Adebamowo, CA
Keywords: Epigastric
Gastric outlet obstruction:
Issue Date: Sep-2006
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2006) 35, 385-386
Abstract: Epigastric hernia, a rare form of ventral abdominal hernia , accounts for 0.4 - 1.5% of all abdominal wall hernias. It usually occurs in middle - aged individuals and is rarely large enough to admit more than a small amount of extra peritoneal fat. In this case report, we present a 64 years old woman with 6 days history of sudden onset of painful epigastric swelling associated with acute gastric outlet obstruction. We did not find a previous report of a simila r cas e in the medica l literature.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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