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Title: Severe proximal myopathy in advanced renal failure. Diagnosis and management
Authors: Adeniyi, O
Agaba, E.I
King, M
Servilla, K.S
Massie, L
Tzamaloukas, A.H
Keywords: Uremia
pathogenetic mechanisms
Issue Date: 2004
Citation: Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci. (2004) 33:385-388.
Abstract: Myopathics encountered in uremic patients may have different pathogenetic mechanisms a n d treatment Secondary hyperparathyroidism m a y cause uremic myopathy responding to specific treatment. This study aimed at presenting a case illustrative of the clinical features, diagnosis a n d management of uremic parathyroid myopathy. A 66-year old man with renal failure from membranous nephropathy developed sensory signs of uremic neuropathy and progressive painless weakness of the pelvic girdle muscle s bilaterally. Motor nerve conduction velocity w a s normal, clcctromyogram was consistent with a myopathi c pattern, while muscle biopsy showed a pattern o f atroph y mor e consistent with a neuropathic pattern. Serologica l tests for collagen vascular diseases and hyperthyroidism wer e negative, while serum muscic enzyme s wer e not elevated and scrum phosphate levels wer e not low. Serum parathyroid hormone level wa s grossly elevated, while sci um calcium was mildl y elevate d in a smal l fractio n o f t h e measurements, serum alkaline phosphatas e showed a progressive rise and skeletal bon e survey did not disclose osteopenia or signs of parathyroid bone disease. A course of calcitriol failed to improv e the myopathy , which responde d promptl y a n d dramaticall y t o parathyroidectomy. Uremi c parathyroid myopathy, which has a characteristic clinical picture, must be differentiated from other neuropathic or myopathic conditions that require specific treatments. Progressive parathyroid myopathy is, by itself, a n indication parathyroidectomy, which is curative in this ease.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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