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Title: Calciphylaxis: case report and literature review
Authors: Somorin, A.O
Al Harbi, A
Subaity, V
Zaman, A. U
Keywords: Calciphylaxis
End stage renal disease
Metastic calcification
Hospital practice
Saudi Arabia
Issue Date: Jun-2002
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci (2002) 31:175-178
Abstract: I issue calcification is a well-rccogni/cd common mctabolic disease, but calciphylaxis still remains an enigmatic rarity The latter may be induced experimentally and acquired naturally in human diseases Although many chronic azotcmic or end stage renal disease patients (ESRD) with hyperparathyroidism (HPT) arc at risk of calciphylaxis not all of them do develop the disease. even non-renal, patients may also develop this disease. Out of a total of about 2000 hemodialysis, 15,000 dermatology and 26,000 medical patients seen over a three year period in a busy Saudi Arabian tertiary medical centre, we report a sentinel nephrology patient with sudden excruciatingly painful cutaneous calciphylaxis that necessitated acute dermatology emergency consultation, and present a review of the medical literature. In order to institute appropriate total quality management of this life-threatening, rare disease, it is advisable that a high index of suspicion should be entertained by dermatologists, general physicians, nephrologists, and pulmonologists in an appropriate clinical scenario
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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