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Title: Combined general and epidural anaesthesia for excision of phaeochromocytoma - a unique and safe technique
Authors: PT Sotunmbi, P.T
OB Shittu, O.B
A Windokun, A
OA Eyelade, O.A
Keywords: phaechromocytoma
general anaesthesia
blood pressure
Issue Date: 2000
Citation: Afr J. Med. med. Sci. (2000) 29, 319 - 322
Abstract: Surgical excision of phaeochromocytoma is usually associated with elevation of arterial blood pressure above 200 mmHg for some time irrespective of the use or not of preoperative alpha - adrenergic blockade. Attempts at controlling the elevated blood pressure usually involve the use of many drugs through induction, maintenance, termination and post operative period. We recently used a combined general and epidural anaesthesia for excision of a huge phaeochromocytoma in a 24 yr old Nigerian lady with a satisfactory outcome. The combined technique seemed to have modified the anaesthetic course considerably, resulting in the use of fewer drugs and a steady haemodynamic state which is very unusual in anaesthesising patients with phaeochromocytoma (see haemodynamic record Illustration II) Post-operative analgesia was provided with morphine given through the epidural catheter
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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