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dc.contributor.authorNKPORBU, N. P.-
dc.descriptionA Project in the Department of Health Promotion and Education submitted to the Faculty of Public Health, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Master of Public Health (Population and Reproductive Health Education ) of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria.en_US
dc.description.abstractEffort in achieving the Millennium Development Goal in Nigeria can only be achieved if the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) needs of Physically Challenged Adolescents are given the necessary attention. Though, studies have shown that SRH experiences are important to persons with disabilities just as they are to their able bodied counterparts, only few of these studies are documented; thus resulting to gap in knowledge. Hence, the need for investigating the antecedent factors related to the sexual and reproductive health experiences of physically challenged adolescents in Ibadan, Nigeria. The study was a cross-sectional survey of 153 Physically Challenged Adolescents (PCA) in four Institutions in Ibadan. A validated interviewer questionnaire which contained a 14-point knowledge scale, 6-point perception scale, 8-point attitudinal scale and questions relating to sexual and reproductive health experiences of the physically challenged adolescents was used to collect data from the total population. Knowledge scores <6 and >6 were classified as poor and good respectively. Perception scores <3 and >3 were categorised as poor and good perception respectively. Attitude scores <3 and >3 were categorised as poor and good attitude respectively. The data were analysed using descriptive statistics and Chi-square test at p=0.05. Age of the respondents was 15.7 ± 2.9 years and 50.3% of the respondents were females, while (49.9%) were males. On source of income, 53.6% did not receive upkeep from parents. Sources of income for those who receive upkeeps included; boyfriend (10%), girlfriend (3.3%) and donors (5.2%). Respondents’ level of education included primary education (4.6%), junior secondary (42.5%) and tertiary (2.6%) indicating the influence of socio-economic antecedent factors. Majority (77.1%) had good knowledge of SRH; although, 94(61.4%) had knowledge deficit of when ovulation occurs. Majority (72.5%) of the respondents did not know what the first menstrual bleeding in a woman is called. Majority (77.1%) knew one can contract HIV through having unprotected sex. About half (54.9%) of the respondents knew only HIV as the major STI. The difference in the mean knowledge scores of the respondents by their age groups was found to be statistically insignificant. The attitude scores compared against the respondents’ challenge of mobility as evident in the type of movement aids used by the respondents were found to have no significant association. Few (7.8%) of the respondents perceived HIV/AIDS does not exist. About few (7.2%) disagreed with transmission of HIV and other STIs through sex. Less than half of the respondents (7.2%) had poor attitudinal disposition towards watching of pornographic films. Few, (18.3%) had experienced sex and (1.3%) had gone for abortion before. Majority, (68.6%) had gone for HIV screening before and 2.9% have never been screened of HIV/AIDS. The respondents had good knowledge and show good perception and attitude towards sexual and reproductive health experiences overall, even if there were knowledge deficit, negative attitude and perception in some areas of sexual and reproductive health; thus inclusion of sexual and reproductive health education in school curriculum are recommended.en_US
dc.subjectPhysically Challenged Adolescentsen_US
dc.subjectSectual and reproductive health (SRH)en_US
dc.subjectIbadan, Nigeriaen_US
Appears in Collections:Dissertations in Health Promotion and Education

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