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Title: Seasonal accumulation of anthraquinones in leaves of cultivated Cassia podocarpa Guill et Perr
Authors: Abo, K.A
Adeyemi, A.A
Keywords: cassta podocarpa
sonal variations
Issue Date: Jun-2002
Citation: Afr .J. Med. med Sci (2002)31, 171-173
Abstract: Seasonal variations and spectrophotometry determination of anthraquinones in cultivated Cassia podocarpa arc presented. The study shows that combined anthraquinones arc concentrated in the leaves at peak flowering (2.43%) and lowest in the bark (0.21%). Anthraquinonc glycosides reached peak levels during the months of October to March (dry season), the maximum being recorded during January to March There was significant drop in glycosidic contcnt during the period April to September (rainy season). There was slight increase in concentration ol aglycones during the rainy season which may be due to inter-conversion of some glycosides to the aglyconcs. However, the free aglvcone contcnt is much lower than the glycosides This is desirable for optimum laxative activity and reduced toxicity. This study is significant because it provides useful information on the seasonal distribution of anthraquinones and the best period for harvesting leaves of C podocarpa for drug development. The inclusion of C podocarpa in the African Pharmacopoeia will, no doubt, enhance its commercialization as laxative and for its antimicrobial effect
Description: ARTICLE
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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