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Title: Radioisotope investigations of haematological disorders (excluding sickle cell disease) in Sierra Leone
Authors: KNOX-MACAULAY, H. H. M.
Keywords: red cell
iron metabolism
Sierra Leoneans
Blood volume
African countries
Issue Date: 1989
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (1989) 18, 75-81.
Abstract: Using 5lCr, l25I, and 59Fe, red cell survival, blood volumes and certain aspects of iron metabolism were investigated in Sierra Leoneans referred for further evaluation of various blood disorders. The data provided clarification of the nature of the anaemia in some patients and demonstrated the haemolytic and erythropoietic role of the spleen in others with splenomegaly. Blood volume values in healthy individuals were found to be similar to those of normal subjects in other populations. Increased plasma volumes commonly described in nonAfrican patients with anaemia and splenomegaly were also recorded in this group of Sierra Leoneans. Information obtained from these studies indicates that facilities for radioisotope investigations would be an asset in the diagnostic evaluation of complex blood disorders and in haematological research in developing African countries.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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