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Title: Are patients with Primary Hepatocellular Carcinoma infectious of hepatitis B, C and D viruses?
Authors: Ola, S.O
Akere, A
Otegbayo, J.A
Odaibo, G.N
Olaleye, D .O
Afolabi, N.B
Bamgboye, E.A
Keywords: HBV
hepatocellular carcinoma patients
Issue Date: Dec-2012
Publisher: College of Medicine University of Ibadan
Citation: Afr. Med. med. sci. (2012) 41, Suppl. 187-191
Abstract: associated with HBV and HCV infections g other aetiological factors. However; do the n ts still spread the viruses?This study involved ° n v one Nigerian adult patients with PHCC and 45 J^trol s who were tested for HBsAg, H3eAg , Anti Anti-HBs, anti-HCV IgM and IgG, anti-HDV a ^ d HDV antigen using ELISA. Statistical analysis v *as carried out with the student - t - test and Mc ^ e m a r test at p< 0.05. The subjects consisted of Hnale:female ratio of 3:1 for both the PHCC patients *nd controls. Evidence of exposure to hepatitis B, C a n d D viruses was detected in 95.1%, 44% and 0% the patients respectively while the respective values Df 24% , 11.1% and 0% were obtained for the controls. Indication for high (HBeAg) and low (anti HBe) HBV ^ira l replication, and acute HBV infection were ieiecte d in 12.5%, 92.7% and 2.2% respectively amon g the patients while only 35.6% of the controls h a d low HBV viral replication. Acute and chronic infections of HCV were also found in 26.8% and 24.4 % of the patients respectively compared to the respective values of 2.2% and 11.1 % of the controls. Occul t HBV infection occurred in equal proportions [I 1 <7c) of both the patients (31.7%) and controls [35.6%). In conclusion, infectious HBV and HCV particle s are present among Nigerian patients with PHC C while HDV infection is uncommon. Hence, saf e medical care should be practised for all patients wit h PHCC while relatives should be screened for thes e v iruse
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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