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Title: Serum zinc, copper and magnesium in sickle cell disease at Ibadan, South Western Nigeria
Authors: Akenami, F.O.T
Aken'Ova, Y.A
Osifo, B.O
Keywords: Zinc
Steady state
Magnesiu-sickle cell disease
Issue Date: 1999
Citation: Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci. (1999) 28, 137-139
Abstract: Serum zinc, copper and magnesium were studied in patients with sickle cell disease in the steady state. There was significantly lower scrum zinc concentration (P < 0.01) and significantly higher serum copper and magnesium in hemoglobin S patients compared with controls (HbA). In hemoglobin SC patients, there was a significant reduction in serum zinc (P< 0.01) but no significant difference in serum copper and magnesium concentrations compared with the controls. There was no significant difference in serum zinc concentration between the HbS and HbS+C patients. However, there were significantly higher scrum copper and magnesium in HbS than HbS+C patients (P < 0.01) The level of serum zinc has no correlation with the steady state Hematocrit or severity index score in HbS and HbS+C patients
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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