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Title: Antioxidant effect of Citrullus lanatus ameliorates fructose-induced placental aberrations
Authors: Asogwa, J.U
Akindele, O.O
Kunle-Alabi, O.T
Raji, Y
Keywords: Placenta
Citrullus lanatus
Oxidative stress
Issue Date: 2018
Citation: Afr J Med Med Sci 2018, 47(3):321-329
Abstract: Fructose consumption pregnancy has been associated with exacerbation of placenta oxidative stress. the hypoglycemic and anti -oxidant properties of Citrullus lanatus juice (CLJ) previously reported may provide remedy to the oxidative stress. Objective: The study investigated the effects of C. lanatus juice on fructose-induced placental changes in Wistar rats. Methods. Twenty pregnant rats were assigned into four groups (n=5) and treated from Gestation Day (GD) 1-21 with water (control), 10% Fructose (w/ v), 50% CLJ (v/v) and Fructose + CLJ. All treatments were given ad libitum. Caesarean section was performed on GD 21 during which the pups and placentas were harvested and weighed. Blood glucose level, progesterone concentration, placental morphometric indices (weight, circumference and thickness), oxidative status (using spectrophotometer) and histology were assessed. Data were analyzed using ANOVA and P< 0.05) was considered statistically significant. Results: The weight and circumference of placentas of fructose group were lower (p < 0.05) than that of control. Placental thickness was higher (p < 0.05) in fructose group compared with control. Placental malondialdehyde was higher in fructose group (p<0.05) and lower in fructose + C. lanatus group (p < 0.05) compared with control and fructose groups respectively. Placental histology showed severe and mild infarction of chorionic villi in the fructose and fructose + C. lanatus groups, respectively. Conclusion: C. lanatus juice ameliorated fructose induced changes in placental oxidative status and morphology. Thus, intake of C. lanatus juice may be beneficial for optimal and healthy development of placenta and fetus of mothers who experience sugar cravings during pregnancy.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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