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Title: Orbito-antro-cervical foreign body impaction: reminder of a CT scan and ultrasonography pitfall
Authors: Olusanya, A.A
Akinmoladun, V.I
Keywords: Foreign body
computed tomography
maxillofacial region
Issue Date: 2013
Citation: Afr. J Med Med Sci 2013, 42(2):189-192
Abstract: Introduction: Foreign body impaction within the maxillofacial region is not an uncommon occurrence. Imaging of such objects is of paramount importance to their retrieval in order to assess their relation to vital structures as well as avoid disruption of such structures while retrieving the foreign bodies. We report a case of wooden foreign body which traversed the maxillofacial region, imaging of which posed a significant challenge. Methods: A sixteen-year-old female presented with a wooden foreign body impaction following a road traffic accident. Challenges in the course of investigation and events during the surgical retrieval of the foreign body are described. Result: An unusual case of foreign body impaction transecting the right orbit, right antrum and the pharynx is presented. The inability of both Computed Tomographic scan and Ultra Sound scan to identify the path and relations of the impacted foreign body was also discussed. Conclusion: Computed Tomography and Ultrasonography may not be sufficient to delineate the path and relations of an impacted foreign body especially if the nature of the foreign body is not metallic.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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