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Title: Bacteriological quality of drinking water from source to household in Ibadan, Nigeri
Authors: Oloruntoba, E.O
Sridhar, M.K.C
Keywords: Bacteriological quality
geometric mean
Escherichia coli
drinking water
Issue Date: Jun-2007
Citation: Afr. J. Med. Med. Sci. (2007), 36(2):169-175
Abstract: The bacteriological quality of drinking water from well, spring, borehole, and tap sources and that stored in containers by urban households in Ibadan was assessed during wet and dry seasons. The MPN technique was used to detect and enumerate the number of coliforms in water samples. Results showed that majority of households relied on wells, which were found to be the most contaminated of all the sources. At the household level, water quality significantly deteriorated after collection and storage as a result of poor handling. Furthermore, there was significant seasonal variation in E. coli count at source (P=0. )13) and household (P=0.001). The study concludes that there is a need to improve the microbial quality of drinking water at source and the household level through hygiene education, and provision of simple, acceptable, low-cost treatment methods.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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