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Title: How well equipped are healthcare facilities to manage childhood malaria? The situation in selected Local Government Areas in South Western Nigeria
Authors: Falade, CO
Oladoyinbo, SO
Elenile, TT
Ajayi, IO
Fawole, IO
Oladepo, O
Adeniyi, JD
Oduola, AMJ
Keywords: Malaria management
Healthcare facility capacity
Issue Date: Sep-2006
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2006) 35, 329-335
Abstract: Using a structured questionnaire, surveys were conducted in 55 of 123 primary and secondary healthcare facilities in 4 selected local government areas in Southwestern Nigeria. Heads of healthcare facilities (HCFs) surveyed include nurses (41.8%), medical officers (21.8%) and community extension workers (21.8%). Twenty five (45.5%) HCFs run special clinics for children. About one fifth (20.3%) of staff had received continuing education on management of malaria. Forty seven (85%) HCFs possessed and used national guidelines for management of malaria. Although 48.9% of HCFs had microscopes, fewer had microscope slides, lancets and Giemsa stain which are also required items for definitive diagnosis of malaria. healthcare workers were not well informed on some aspects in the management of malaria. Selected healthcare workers from various categories attended a workshop where they were trained to correct inadequate knowledge, attitude and practice in the management of malaria. These workers were to train their colleagues on their return to their respective HCFs
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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