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Title: The relationship between juvenile and non-juvenile periodontitis, ABO blood groups and haemoglobin types
Authors: Arowojolu, M. O
Akingbola, T. S
Dosumu, E. B
Keywords: Blood group
Haemoglobin types
Juvenile periodontitis
Issue Date: Sep-2002
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci (2002) 31; 249-252
Abstract: This study was carried out to investigate the relationship between juvenile and non-juvenile peridontitis (JP, non-JP), A B O blood groups and haemoglobin types. The heamoglobin electrophoresis was determined by routine technique using cellulose acetate paper and tris buffer at pH 8.5. Tile blood grouping was earned out on all specimens. Forty Nigerian adolescent individuals were investigated, twenty of which were diagnosed as having JP while the remaining 20 were diagnosed as having plaque-induced chronic periodontitis (non JP). This latter group was used as the control group. All the JP patients were either of blood group B/AB, rhesus positive while the non-JP subjects had B rhesus positive/negative, O rhesus positive/negative or AB rhesus positive. The differences between the results of the test and the control groups were statistically significant P<0.05. All the forty subjects (JP and non-JP) had the haemoglobin type A and none of them exhibited the S and C haemoglobin types. There is a need to further investigate the relationship between juvenile periodontitis , A B O blood group and the common haemoglobin types (A, AS, S, C, and SS) at molecular level
Description: ARTICLE
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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