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Title: Abdominal computed tomographic scan-merits and demerits over ultra sonography: evaluation of 70 cases
Authors: Obajimi, M.O
Ogunseyinde, A.O
Agunloye, A.M
Keywords: Abdominal
Computed tomography
Issue Date: Jun-2002
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (2002 ) 31 , 145-148
Abstract: Computed tomography (CT) and Ultrasonography (USS) are commonly used to ascertain the cause of abdominal symptoms. In a retrospective study of 70 Nigerian patients who had abdominal ultrasonography prior to abdominal CT scans, the most frequent clinical feature was abdominal pain, which was reported in 20.8% of the patients. The prevalent ultrasonographic finding was hepatomegaly (12.2%) while bowel displacement was the most frequently reported CT Finding (18.3%). There was no correlation between USS and CT findings in 11 patients (15.7%). There was some agreement in the findings of both tests in 75.7% of cases. Additional findings were noted in 38 (54.3%) of the latter group of patients on CT scans. Hundred percent agreement was reported in both imaging techniques in 5 radiological findings namely: dilated gall bladder, renal cysts, ascites, adrenal mass and utero-cervical mass. These findings suggest a high yield of diagnostic accuracy from abdominal sonography and increased diagnostic details provided by CT imaging. Our overall impression is that the diagnostic information provided by the two techniques arc complimentary.
Description: ARTICLE
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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