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Title: Soluble Serum Antigens of P. falciparum in Nigerians
Other Titles: II. Immunochemical Studies
Authors: Houba, V
Williams, A.I.O
Keywords: Malarial
Issue Date: 1972
Publisher: Blackwell Scientific Publications
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci.(1972) 3, 309-317.
Abstract: Malarial soluble serum antigens (MSSA) were studied in live sera obtained from young Nigerian children during acute P. falciparum infection and in one scrum from an Aotus monkey artificially infected with P. falciparum. Using physicochemical and immunochemical techniques. MSSA were detected by precipitation with adult human sera in gel diffusion tests. Fractionation of sera by Sephadex G-200 chromatography, gel diffusion tests in 1-5 and 7% agar, absorption tests with antisera to human immunoglobulins, and treatment of sera with mercaptoethanol and citric acid demonstrated ihc presence of MSSA in two forms: MSSA free and MSSA bound in a complex with immunoglobulin M
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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