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Title: Experience with Surgical Treatment of Congenital Defects of the Cardiovascular System in Nigeria
Authors: Bankole, M.A
Oduntan, S.A
Antia, A.U
Keywords: Surgical
Issue Date: 1972
Publisher: Blackwell Scientific Publications
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci.1972: 3, 67-76.
Abstract: The salient features of the anaesthetic and general pre- and postoperative care underlying the successful management of six children with Fallot's tetrad, thirteen with persistent ductus arteriosus and one with coarctation, during the period 1968-70 are presented. The postoperative survival in these twenty children is a marked improvement over that achieved during the 1964-66 period when seven children including four with Fallot's tetrad and three with persistent ductus arteriosus, were operated upon. It is concluded that the better result is due to general improvement in surgical, anaesthetic and nursing care as well as to better understanding of the concept of the micro-circulation, hypoxia and metabolic acidosis; and the prevention and prompt treatment of these derangements. The need for improved facilities in Africa to undertake total cure of patients with cyanotic heart defects has been stressed.
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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