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Title: Chemical Studies on Aortic Intima in Nigerians
Authors: TAYLOR, G . O.
Keywords: Chemical
Issue Date: Jan-1973
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. Vol: 4, 87-98
Series/Report no.: TAYLOR;G . O.
Abstract: The chemical composition of aortic intima, obtained from 103 adult Nigerian Africans dying from a variety of diseases, is described. The relationship between the lipid components and the pattern of aortic atherosclerosis in Nigerians is discussed. The mean values for the dry weight and total lipids in the intima are slightly higher in males than in females. The mean values for ash and phospholipids are significantly higher in males than in females but the mean value for triglycerides is significantly higher in females than in males. There is no significant difference in the mean value for total and free cholesterol and the total,7 free cholesterol ratio between the two sexes. There is significant correlation between the dry weight of intimal, total cholesterol and age. Correlations between the various chemical components estimated and with various factors including age, sex, ash and intimal dry weight are also presented.
Description: Article
ISSN: 0309-3913
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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