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Title: The antibacterial effect of honey on diarrhoea causing bacterial agents isolated in Lagos, Nigeria
Authors: OBl, C.L
Keywords: antibacterial
bacterial agents
Issue Date: Sep-1994
Publisher: Spectrum Books Limited
Citation: Afr. J. Med. med. Sci. (1994) 23, 257-260
Abstract: The antibacterial effect of local honey on local isolates of bacterial agents of diarrhoea was deterined by an in vitro method involving the impregnation of filter paper discs in undiluted honey and different honey concentrations ranging from 10%-50%. The discs were later placed on plates that have been seeded with the different bacteria and zones of inhibition of growth were measured after a 48 hr. period of incubation. Results presented show that undiluted honey and honey at concentrations of 40% and above were inhibitory to all enteropathogens tested. Zones of inhibition of growth around the disc margin of the various enteropathogens tested ranged from 16-18mm in diameter for the local undiluted honey and 7-12mm in diameter for concentrations of honey at 40% and 50%. The possible mechanisms of this inhibitory effect of local honey are discussed.
Description: Article
ISSN: 1116-4077
Appears in Collections:African Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences

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